COVID-19 Prevention Measures

COVID-19 Prevention Measures

Category: General

With the growing concern around the COVID-19 virus, we are acutely aware that our position as an IT service provider makes us a potential vector for transmission: We visit many offices across the Lower Mainland, interacting with hundreds of individuals on a monthly basis; Keyboards, mice and phones all have a high potential for germ transmission. In addition to following all Provincial and Federal recommendations, we have completed a WorkSafe COVID-19 Safety Plan. Additional pro-active measures we will be taking include: Reducing the number of staff in our office by having some employees work from home; Wearing masks when performing onsite visits; Wiping down customer laptops and devices that our brought into our office for service with disinfectant wipes; Putting a greater effort into resolving issues remotely and limiting onsite visits to issues which require it. These measures will be effective until we receive further information or guidance from our Provincial and Federal health officials. While we don’t anticipate this will have a significant effect on your service experience, we do appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Stratum Systems and Prism PC have Merged!

Stratum Systems and Prism PC have Merged!

Category: General

We’re excited to announce that Stratum Systems and Prism PC have merged! Both companies have been serving customers in the Lower Mainland since 2007. The new company will be operating as Stratum Systems.

Efficient health I.T. could save $408 million

Efficient health I.T. could save $408 million

Category: General

What role could information technology and online health services (Health IT) play in our healthcare system? A recent study done by The Conference Board of Canada and Canada Health Infoway (CHI) indicates the Health IT's role could be larger than we think. It estimated that Canadians could boost economic output by $408 million and save more than 70 million man hours per year by incorporating and properly integrating Health IT into Canada’s healthcare system.

New Look Online

New Look Online

Category: General

Finally, a refreshed look for the Stratum Website! The old design was getting a little dated. We hope the new site will be an effective vehicle for communication about news, alerts and updates that are important to our customers. Let us know what you think of the new layout.

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